2024 Q1 Report: Holding Myself Accountable

When setting goals for myself for 2024, I really wanted to hold myself to it. For me, that usually takes the form of needing to document that progress. So I’m going to lean into it, in the form of a quarterly report. How thrilling.  (I love reading these kind of updates though, so hopefully someone else does too.)

  1. Goals & 2024 No Buy 
    1. 2024 No Buy
      1. January Lapses
      2. February Lapses 
      3. March Lapses
    2. Other Goals
  2. Finding My Favorite Nashville Coffee Shop(s)
  3. Q1 Highlights
    1. January: First time to St. Louis for Work & Fun
    2. February: House of Flame and Shadow
    3. March: Dallas
    4. Random Favorite Pictures from Q1
  4. Looking Forward: Potential Highlights in Q2

Goals & 2024 No Buy 

My primary goals for 2024 was to concentrate on improving my financial situation by taking small actionable steps, while also working on improving my physical and mental health. 

2024 No Buy

I made myself what I think has been a realistic list of things that I cannot buy during 2024. These are all things that I’ve noted that either have too much of or tend to buy impulsively but are not necessary for my life. Money wasters, but not quality-of-life-impactors. Maybe even detractors

The first few months have gone VERY WELL I think. I am not introducing consequences if I don’t “follow the rules.” Like if I buy 2 books in January, I don’t say I can’t buy a book in February–that kind of thing. This is a goal to adhere to, not something I need to ‘punish’ myself if I don’t do. 

It’s always the lattes. I hate how basic I am sometimes.

All in all I feel like this exercise is going well. It is allowing me to think more consciously about what I spend, without making me feel like I can’t have any fun. 

There are a few things that were definitely easier than I expected–for instance, the Target Dollar section. It was super easy for me not to be tempted. UNTIL the fun seasonal stuff for spring started showing up. BUT I HAVE PERSEVERED.   

January Lapses

  • I made a conscious choice to not adhere to my limit to purchase only one book. One of my favorite local bookshops was having a rough month with a large ruined shipment and then also Snowmageddon 2024, where they had to shut down for the entire week. They had a special online sale from which I bought two books. 
  • January was also the month of new Sarah J. Maas
  • THUS, I bought three books in January. 
  • I also bought a pack of pens. -.- 

February Lapses 

  • I did really well in February, except for the lattes. It’s always the lattes. One week I got three. 
  • I also just so happened to not purchase a book in February. 

March Lapses

  • LOOK. It’s always the lattes. One week I got three. 
  • Trader Joe’s also released a candle trio for spring and I definitely purchased it. 

Other Goals

Financial: I knew that moving was on the horizon in 2024 when my current lease was renewed. I was anticipating a large increase again after a $300 increase the year prior. I am happy to say that I found a new apartment–one less centrally located–but much more cost effective. It is nothing fancy, but it will get the job done. It is also much closer to my Nashville family, and that’s nothing but a positive. 

I finally think I had an idea with some legs that has gotten me writing with regularity for the first time in forever.

Mental and Physical Health: The goals I set to myself for this category are to work out thrice weekly, socialize weekly, and participate in my hobbies (like crafting, reading, writing). I think this has been a mixed bag in Q1. January is rough, as was February. March was an improvement. I find it really hard to leave the house after work, in the dark, to go to the Y. I have walked often, I have been to the Y….less often. 

I have tried to be more proactive about socializing–a necessary thing to do when working from home. I think I have been successful in that goal, but I definitely could be better. I have been ehhhhhh at my hobbies. I launched Overthinking (and am slowly working towards the second episode), so that is definitely good progress in writing. 

I do think that I have to cut myself a little break. I do think we’re supposed to kind of ebb and flow with the seasons? I have been amazed by the energy that I possess when the temperature is over 65, the sun is out, and it doesn’t set until after 6:30 PM. So, maybe, some slack is in order. 

Finding My Favorite Nashville Coffee Shop(s)

I want to discover my favorite coffee shop in Nashville. There has been no runaway clear winner, though I have been to many. I have many criteria for what I’m looking for. I have also decided that if I visit a coffee shop, that I do not like and would not revisit, I am not going to review it. So much of this is taste based, and what *I* am looking for doesn’t mean it won’t be great for someone else. I haven’t been to many new shops this year because, honestly, it’s been kind of busy! 

Momento –  5.5/7 – This is a charming, small coffee shop in Hermitage, with tasty eats and yummy drinks. It even has some outdoor seating that will probably be great in warmer weather. 

  1. Pros: A wide variety of options for drinks, really decent food options that aren’t all sweet or super carb heavy (I love their breakfast roll). There is easy, ample parking. Solid coffee, if not particularly memorable or strong. 
  2. Cons: The indoor seating is minimal. It’s a small shop, so that’s to be expected. I would imagine that it will be a lot easier to grab a table when the weather is nice because the seating is almost doubled. The seating is also not the most comfortable, though I wouldn’t call it uncomfortable. And, one of my pervasive issues, they only have disposable drinkware. These are all minor quibbles.

I will be returning to this shop. It’s a great coffee shop in an area underserved (in my opinion) by coffee shops. 

Q1 Highlights

So what’s been great about 2024 so far? I think finding things to be grateful for in 2024 is on the docket, and I am seeking to be more, you guessed it, proactive in ensuring I have experiences for which to be grateful. I would say I’m 2 for 3 in 2024 so far; in January and March I was really good about this, less so in February.

January: First time to St. Louis for Work & Fun

I started a fully remote new job in 2023 and my place of employment is located in St. Louis, MO in a state I’d never been to. Well in January, I had the opportunity to travel to St. Louis for work and visit one of my nearest and dearests who I hadn’t seen in far too long. It was a great trip–I enjoyed getting to know St. Louis–I have known so many people from STL over the years, it’s wild that my first time was this year. Besides being frightfully cold, it was a perfect trip. It was great to get to know my co-workers in three dimensions, eating delicious food, and spending time with one of my favorites was great. Plus art! Hockey (a hat trick)! It was wonderful 

February: House of Flame and Shadow

This book man. Everything I wanted it to be.

February is always a tough month. I did not have a lot going on personally and it was a quick, fast month. The highlight for me was the release of the long-awaited, House of Flame and Shadow, the third book in the Crescent City series. It was everything I wanted. I know it’s not high literature, but I really enjoy her world building and how she weaves complex plots together. It gives me liiiiife. 

I think I’ve decided February is one of my least favorite months. This is random, but I also got a new desk chair in February. I got ODDLY nostalgic, but I figure it makes sense. Since I moved around so much both as a kid and as an adult, the *things* in my life have made my home a home. So saying goodbye to the chair that saw me through both of my graduate degrees, my first grown up jobs, and so many life events, was oddly hard, but it was falling apart. And the new one is really cute and comfortable.

March: Dallas

This is what happens when you let a 5 year old pose you: you look like you’re popping a squat on a T-Rex toe. (Not a real fossil).

March 2024 was a long month, but it was across the board great. The highlight was a trip to Dallas to visit with two of my dear friends from grad school and their kiddos. It was great to be reunited and to see the littles of the next generation interact. It wasn’t a sightseeing trip, but I got to squeeze in some Texas musts. Visits were made to HEB and Central Market, barbecue was consumed, but best of all I was able to spend time with two of my favorites together for the first time in like 5 years, with their tiny humans. It was so, so special. I can’t wait for us to get together again and this is exactly the kind of thing I want to make sure I work into my life. 

It was also my first time flying since August 2022. Between August 2022 and March 2024, I lost a lot of weight. Even in August of ‘22, it was already easier. The notable differences in 2022 were: I didn’t need a belt extender, I could put down the tray table, and I could comfortably read. This time, it was a whole new world. All of those things were true, but like extra enhanced. I had room in the seat. I could comfortably adjust my legs. I could read. But I think more than anything I felt so…invisible and I mean that in the best possible way. 

I could fit in the seat and the belt…with room. It was such a novel experience.

When I was larger, there were few experiences where I was more aware of my size than when I was flying. Every step of the process is uncomfortable and rife with anxiety. The worst is the stares and glares. You can almost feel the message behind the stares– “How dare you take up space.” Seeing people’s faces when they realize that either their assigned seat or the only open middle seat is next to you, kicks you in the gut. Then, in my experience, you have to suffer through your seatmate groaning and elbowing you endlessly. Even though my body was contained to my own seat, basically glued myself to the side of the plane, attempting to make myself as small as possible, it was never enough for the seatmates who constantly shoved their elbows into my space as if it was their right. 

There is so much that really fucking sucks about how our culture treats fat people. I always knew this, but as I’ve moved out of visibly being a big girl, it’s been wild to see how much it impacted my life, both in how I feel and how people treat me. Yet, it felt really nice to blend in, and simultaneously, I felt very…empathetic for past me. On the other side of the coin, until/if I have a tummy tuck, I will likely always get an intimate patdown by the TSA folks because those machines don’t know what to do with excess skin around my middle. 🙃 

Random Favorite Pictures from Q1

  1. My handsome Fitzwilliam looking regal.
  2. T rating our extra awesomely tall lego tower at our nephew’s birthday
  3. Nephew buildin’ at his birthday party ❤
  4. Me and one of my pupper nephews staring lovingly into one another’s eyes
  5. Awww
  6. I love springtime walks
  7. It’s cold brew season!
  8. Playing checkers. This game ended in tears. Not mine.
  9. At the ripe age of 38, I have discovered the magic of hammocks
  10. My beautiful girl looking derpy

Looking Forward: Potential Highlights in Q2


  1. St. Louis trip mostly for work and less for fun
  2. A visit from a bestie
  3. A conference for work on the west coast
  4. A nephew overnight
  5. Finishing the second Overthinking episode


  1. Two visits from two besties one of whom I haven’t seen in years!
  2. ANOTHER nephew overnight
  3. A concert with one of my favorite bands 
  4. Memorial Day Shenanigans 


  1. Quilt Retreat
  2. Moving O.o 

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